english: | [ SECD machine ] | [ Reversal Turing Machine ] | [ Busy Beaver ] |
bulgarian: | [ Fast algorithms on graphs ] | [ Introduction to computations ] | [ Dama (nine_mens) game ] |
courses: | [ Discrete structures ] | [ Operating systems ] | [ Design and analysis of algorithms ] |
Bidding(en): | [ Coding distributions ] | [ System designs ] | [ Past projects, to 2020 ] |
Bidding(bg): | [ Easy Club ] | [ Deep natural (manual) ] | [ Deep natural (summary) ] |
Bidding(bg): | [ EvenArt (summary) ] | [ EvenArt (manual) ] | [ Math_bidding ] |
This page contains most of my science and educational works in the last 40 years. I have done them for fun and i'll be happy if you enjoy something!